Thursday, May 3, 2007


Greetings blogosphere,

Here to add my voice to the chorus, areas of interest/expertise are as follows:

Relational Databases
Software Engineering
Cognitive Science
Evolutionary Psychology
Quantum Physics
Theoretical Physics

Ok, that's enough of a list, these are my main areas of expertise/interest... a little about me, I've worked for most companies in the top ten list of technology and telecommunication in some engineering capacity or another. I have patents filed under some of these for technology that will probably never see the light of day because it renders obsolete some of their biggest money makers. Too bad financial concerns take precedence over technological progress.

Before I go off on too much of a tangent, I should just leave my first post at this. I value my anonymity so I will more often than not scrub my posts of anything which would identify me.

I welcome all points of view, and enjoy a good debate... I look forward to discussing my favorite subjects with everyone!

The name of the blog is Big Rock Candy Mountains... after the song from O Brother Where Art Thou that dreams of a new eden for the modern era. Don't we all?

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